The purpose of this review was to establish the relevancy of social radar in the day to day work as
underpinned from Goleman book working with emotional Intelligence Chapter three (3), which prorogates that
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a more important factor than Intelligent Quotient (IQ) to enjoying a successful life and
maintaining fruitful and secure relationships with others. After a review, it was found out that lack of a social radar
leads to social awkwardness, that a person can have the best training in the world, possess an incisive and analytical
mind or even the supply of endless ideas, but still would not make a good leader without empathy (social radar).
Arising out of the review, it concluded that empathic leaders more so in schools with good people skills (social radar)
know intuitively how to build bridges to others so that relationship bonds are robust. It recommends that for leaders
to have the best social radar, should strive to listen well, gain perspective of others and give help to others.
Keywords: social radar, emotional intelligence, work empathy