The idea for Play Pumps originated in 1989 near Johannesburg, South Africa. Fields license merry-go-round water pump technology from its inventor in 1994 and renamed it "Play Pump", The pump was designed to extract water from as deep as 40 meters, using kinetic energy supplied by children spinning the wheel (pray pump International, April 2012)
Even without drought or contamination; collecting water in rural schools of the developing world is difficult. Well-developed infrastructure for pumping, water is frequently lacking.
The proposed 'hybrid borehole 'pumping system targeted a borehole in Busitema college primary school of about 551 pupils
This project involved a review of relevant literatures on the-several existing types of pumps with varying energy sources especially those available and used in Uganda. It also describes the hybrid swing pump in depth, clearly pointing out its applicability, advantages over other available pumps; its components and lastly, its, operation
As well addresses the methodology describing step by step, procedures, and methods that have been 'used in obtaining the specific objectives that led to the design of the pumping, swing