This study examined the benefits. of climate smart, agriculture on the livelihood of the people of Namasagali sub county, Kamuli District. The major farming practices in the sub county were identified as both climate Smart and non-climate smart farming practices.
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to collect data. This involved use of secondary data, observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data collected from a sample of 35 respondents was analyzed using SPSS 6.0 statistical package and EXCEL spread sheet the results were presented by use of tables, pie charts and bar graphs.
The Study revealed that the farmers carried out both climate smart and non-climate smart farming practices like; irrigation, mixed cropping, agro-forestry, mono-cropping, fertilizer application and use of manure. The study also revealed that farming is the major source of livelihoods to the people in the area and that the yields vary depending on the season and the farming practices carried out. The major factors fronted by farmers for the reducing crop yields in Namasagali Sub county were prolonged drought, pests and diseases, theft, land size holdings and declining soil fertility. The study revealed that more crop yields are obtained from climate smart practices say use of farm yard manure, agro-forestry, mixed cropping, irrigation and application of mulches thus enhancing food security, adaptation to climate change and conserving the environment.
It's recommended from this study that farmers adapt climate smart farming practices so as to enhance food security adaptation and mitigation to climate change and environmental conservation with the help of government and private associations such as NAADS and ISU.