This research was carried in Usuk Sub-County on a sample of 125 respondents rearing Boer goat crosses in five parishes sampled from 7 arises in the sub county. The general objective of this research was to assess the factors influencing the survival of Boer goat crosses under a specific management system. The findings were that farmers reared their goats under semi-intensive management system with tethering goats on natural pastures more dominant than herding. They only carried out feeding their goats on natural pasture with small-supplementation with mainly: agricultural by products, Boer goats were majorly affected by diseases, internal parasites and external parasites but the farmers were able to address such constraints in various ways as shown in tables 17, 18 and 19. Nutritional constraints to Boer goat production among the fanners of Usuk Sub County included inadequate feed supply, low feeding value of the available feed resources and reduced efficiency of utilization of the available feed resources, Seasonal variations in quality and quantity of feed were attributed to seasonal variations in rainfall and farmers were not practicing pasture improvement. It is important to have a suitable fodder conservation method for smallholder farmers to avoid the seasonal variations in quality and quantity of pastures during the dry season. Strengthening the veterinary service delivery systems to cover most rural communities So as to reduce or eradicate diseases challenges and properly control parasites. The baseline information obtained in this study has indicated that rural goat production in general is still at subsistence level indicating that there is a need to improve by continuing to provide the rural farmers with improved goats in order to raise the income of the rural people and increase food security