Land is the basic factor of production and rural livelihoods majorly depend on land for agricultural activities the major land use types in Namasagali sub County are maize, rice, groundnuts, coffee cattle keeping and millet growing which enable most. smallholder farmers earn both food and income. Land use is determined by various factors majorly the land tenure system, financial capital to invest in land, prices of the commodities storage facilities. This study identifies factors which affect the productivity of the different land use types identified in Namasagali Sub County. Simple random and purposive sampling was applied Qualitative data were collected using key informant interviews, and personal observation white, quantitative data ware gathered using documentary review and survey. A total of 75 smallholder farmers were involved in the study. Average net returns analysis and value chain analysis was used to capture the economic benefits of land use types in the sub County. Besides, profitability of various crops produced. in the study area was also determined using the mentioned methods of analysis. Results indicate that of the farmer; land tenure system, cultivated land size; soil suitability, storage facilities and price of the previous season significantly affect the economic benefits from the land uses in the area. Furthermore, rice was the first most profitable crop maize was the fifth most profitable crop in the area though it was the major land use in the area and rice. In addition, it was also found that there was gender disparity in involvement of planting certain crops like coffee and millet some in which very few women had owned coffee plantation and very few men grew millet oxen are the majorly used for cultivation in Namasagali. It is recommended that among other things, Farmers should construct storage facilities to avoid hastily sell off their crops at a lower price, farmers need to adopt improved methods of farming to improve on the productivity, market information is of paramount value to the farmers. Farmers should think of value addition of their crops so as they fetch a lot income. Coffee farmers involve in other activities given that it is not hectic to look after coffee there is need for the agricultural education and extension services to the farmers of Namasagali in order to be advised on what to do so as to increase the yields. Farmers should adopt aquaculture as one of the land use type since fish can be the best alternative. Farmers should adopt piggery enterprise to increase on their income and it does not need a lot land but it is highly profitable and A forestation can be a good venture since it sustains the environment and it is a long term benefiting land use type.
Keywords: Land use types, Land tenure systems, Economic benefit, Average net returns, Value addition and Poverty reduction.