Malaria is the leading cause of death among young children and the expectant mothers’ in
Uganda today therefore, a number of control measures have been in place to cub its spread.
These include using Insecticide treated nets, using control measures like slashing bushes
around homes that harbour the mosquitoes and draining stagnant water around places where
people sleep. It is also noted that there has been a decreasing pattern in malaria cases due to
effective treatment of the malaria patients. In a scenario like at Njeru Health Centre where there
is shortage of medical stuff to work on the patients, a Malaria Diagnosis System was designed
and implemented so that it can promptly diagnose patients. The Malaria Diagnosis system was
designed and it can take in data (signs and symptoms) so that it tells whether someone has
malaria or not. This system has been developed using Microsoft Visual Studio and MySQL
Server. Basically, the system has one module which is the patient’s module. In this module,
the functions that was developed include, patient’s registration, diagnosis, viewing patient’s
medical history and downloading a medical history note. This system was developed as one of
the solutions to transfer from current way of diagnosing malaria where patients have to go the
Hospital then wait for Doctors to diagnose them, to a more systematic computerized system.
The results from the system are outputted in form of a PDF and patients can carry them to the nearest Pharmacy for medical prescription.