The study was conducted on the Sunflower outgrowers in Ngetta Sub County in Lira district. The purpose of the study was an analysis of contributions of sunflower oilseeds to the livelihood of the outgrowers of Mukwano industry in Lira district. The specific objectives were to; determine the sunflower production activities for the outgrowers, to find out the benefits of sunflower Oilseeds to the livelihood of sunflower outgrowers, and establish the challenges faced. by sunflower oil seed growers of Mukwano industry.
The study employed a descriptive research design and used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Primary data was collected using questionnaires, interviews of key technical persons and observations. Secondary data was collected by reviewing IFAD reports, district statistical abstracts, district action plans, journals, and other sources of literature. Data was coded, entered and analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16,0 to give descriptive statistics inform of frequencies, mean, and -mode and inferential statistics done including Chi Square. A total of 80 respondents were interviewed of which 70 respondents were from outgrower community in Ngetta sub county and 10 respondents were technical persons such Mukwano. work official and other oil seeds processing organisations and the district environmental officers.
The finding. from the study indicates that women dominate sunflower growing activity by 60% compared to 40% for the men. Sunflower growing was seen to be major occupation and source of income. Also the finding indicates sunflower oil seeds production is an important economic activity with a potential of improving livelihood outcome by 83% among sunflower outgrowers. Lack of storage and storage facilities was found to be the major problem whereas low market price and late provision of sunflower seeds to outgrowers were seen as the most difficult challenges to handle by farmers. However, the Mukwano Company Limited and other organizations were seen to extend their support to sun-flower growers.
In conclusion, sunflower oilseeds contribute much more to the livelihood of outgrowers of Mukwano Oil Seeds Company. However, most farmers were constrained with high cost of seeds compared to the market price and lack of storage and' storage facilities due to 'limited support rendered affecting the quality of products and profit of the farmers. Therefore, it is recommended that support informs of training on post-harvest handling, proper crop management practices be provided to sunflower oil seeds outgrower fanners in Ngetta Sub County.