The study majority focused on economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by forests using case study or Kalinzu forest. The research was basically carried out to generate information that may be used to contribution to the conservation strategies of ecosystem services in Kalinzu forest and 3 valuation methods: Contingent valuation method and Market based method were used to determine the economic value of ecosystem services from Kalinzu forest.
Findings of the study indicated that most of the respondents attached an economic value on the different. ecosystem services basing on their Willingness to Pay (WTP) and the estimated economic value was worth of 831673.44USD which would be used to contribute. to the development of the economy.
It is therefore recommended that policy makers should consider the livelihood value of people living in the vicinity in setting policies and management strategies for the conservation forest reserves. Setting mechanism for regulating firewood collection, timber harvesting from the forest may help in reaching the win-win situation in terms of conservation of the forest and ensuring the livelihood of communities.