This study was carried out in Arapai Sub County to analyze the gender roles in poultry production with emphasis on pattern of access to extension services, gender division of labor and level of involvement in decision-making, ninety-nine (99) respondents were selected for the study through multi stage random sampling technique. The study showed that men had more access to extension services requiring technical aspects like training in health management. (31.3%) construction of the poultry house (47.5%), training on marketing (38.4%) and advice on source of inputs (32.3%). There was gender division of labor in poultry production, however, activities involving technical aspects and of economic value were done by men, like; construction of the poultry house (44.4%), actual marketing of poultry and poultry products (44.5% purchase of inputs (49.5%) and administration of drugs (37.4%.). Decision on sale of poultry and its products were mainly made by men (44.4%) while use of earnings from poultry was decided by the whole family (43.4%). This study concluded that both women and men play key role in poultry production. However, women are limited in decision making hence its recommended that Support systems for women farmers within holistic gender sensitive extension framework be put in place to enhance women's capacity in poultry production.