The purpose of the study was to find out factors for persistent production of low quality maize among farmers in Nakalama sub-county Iganga district. The specific objectives of the study were; to find out farmers' knowledge on the importance of ensuring and maintaining quality of maize, to find out farmers' knowledge on the different post-harvest practices that ensures and maintains quality of maize. and to analyze challenges hindering farmers from ensuring and maintaining quality of maize, The study used a research design for this study was descriptive in nature and used quantitative and qualitative data collection approach, The study adopted convenience sampling techniques, The study finding showed that majority of the respondents did not know the importance of producing quality maize, Majority of the respondents said that they didn't have knowledge an proper drying, sorting and cleaning of maize, threshing, proper packaging and proper storage and monitoring and majority of the respondents that said that they face a problem of pests and diseases in maintaining of producing the desired quality of maize. The study concluded that farmers in Nakalama Sub County racked knowledge on the importance of ensuring and maintaining quality of maize and on the different post-harvest practices that ensure and maintain quality of maize and the major challenge. faced by farmers in Nakalama Sub County is pests and diseases which damages the quality of maize, the Study recommended that farmers. should seek knowledge from skilled personnel in order to ensure quality of maize, the government should increase support and also extend extension services to farmers in order to get knowledge on the quality and maintenance of maize and that the government should also provide support to farmers through providing them with pesticides which can help farmers to fight against pests and diseases of maize hence ensuring quality.