This report is about the industrial training activities that I carried out at Busitema university Arapai campus farm during the period of 10 weeks. I was carrying out these activities in both the crop and animal sections. In the animal section, I did activities such as vaccination of poultry birds, feed formulation, I also underwent a training on clean milk production. rabbit production. general knowledge on pasture production and management, animal diseases and treatment and many other activities and in the crop section I did spraying of crops, I also underwent a training on crop pests and diseases control and management, training on post-harvest management and many other activities.
This training has helped me to gain some important skills such as injection of animals, spraying of animals, crops, disease and peat management in both animals and crops, that I hope to go and apply out there in the field to help my community and to serve my country. Although there was enough to learn from this training, there were also some challenges that I met during this period that include; hunger was a big problem, there was also a problem of some sections not being attended to by the responsible supervisors and this made the learning very difficult at times. There was also a problem of natural calamities like sun shine and rainfall that interrupted with the study.
The university has to make some adjustments like employ new staff to handle students during this learning period; the university should also make sure that they lake the students 10 departments that are not found at school like meat inspection and many others.