The major purpose of the study was to expose students to different enterprises so as to gain skill, knowledge and experience. The farm consisted of different sections and these are dairy section, rabbi try, piggery, small ruminants, aquaculture, poultry, farm machinery, carpentry, vermiculture, annual crops, perennial crops, horticultural, pasture production.
Different activities were carried out and these are, vaccination of both layers and broilers against Newcastle, picking of eggs, taking temperature measurements in calves and cows using clinical thermometer, mixing of feeds for poultry and dairy cows, milking using hand milking method, spraying of cattle using spray race or knapsack sprayer, taking both blood sample and feacal samples from a cow, roasting of soy bean to be used in mixing feeds, administering anticoccidiostats to birds through drinking water e.g. Amprolium, treating of animals suffering from different cases like a pig had a limping leg, deworming of animals to control worms, providing vitamins to birds, removal of retained placenta from a cow, a lecture on pig production and organic pig management, a lecture on Banana establishment and management, drug identification and how to use them.
The major findings obtained were; I found out some drugs which I had never seen before and I understood how to use them, different breeds of animals need different specific conditions and environment for successful production.
Some conclusions are; more experience is attained in the field as you diagnose more complicated cases of diseases, also patience is required when performing the activities.
The major recommendations are; the Institution should install in more facilities and facilitators, also there is a need worn out equipment with new equipment.