This report was conducted in Busitema University Arapai Campus Farm.
The farm is based on animals and crops husbandry, the animals include/cattle, pigs, small ruminants, rabbits, poultry, apiculture, and aquaculture
The crops include, perennials: like bananas, coffee, cereals, like maize, annuals like groundnuts, and vegetables, pastures, and botanical garden
The internship involved the following activities
Routine management activities in
The farm like, feeding; providing water, cleaning of farm
Houses e.g. piggery units, cattle structures like calf pens, water troughs etc.
Spraying of animals against external parasites e.g. ticks’ mange.
Spraying crops against diseases e.g. bacterial wilt, early and late blight on tomatoes
Pests like aphids, red spider mites, American, boil worm, etc.
Identification of different crop varieties tomatoes ea. money maker, tengeru, etc.
Feed formulation, establishment of the Napier pasture grass, meat inspection done in Soroti
Abattoir treatment of animals against diseases e.g. skin mange, east coast fever and abscess,
The recommendations should be the following
Improve on farm structures e.g. spray races, cattle kraals, piggery units- goat units, and farm fencing etc.
Putting across the irrigation system to address issue of drought to improve on crop yields
Improve on the management systems of livestock like, zero grazing, padocking
Introduction other bleeding system like artificial insemination services
To improve on the herd performance
Rehabilitation of the fish pond to improve on the depth, and stocking rate of fish spp
Fencing of the apiary to keep away pest and provision of feed supplements etc.