A report on industrial training carried out at Ngetta zonal agricultural research and development institute (Ngetta ZARDI)-Lira.

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dc.contributor.author Ejang, Sarah
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-06T07:00:42Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-06T07:00:42Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Ejang, S. (2018). A report on industrial training carried out at Ngetta zonal agricultural research and development institute (Ngetta ZARDI)-Lira. Busitema University en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12283/3407
dc.description Industrial training report en_US
dc.description.abstract This report aims at giving a critical description for the whole activities carried out at Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute-Lira, during my industrial training carried out from 21st May – 27th July2018 The above named institution aims at undertaking, promoting and coordinating research in all aspects of fisheries, crop production, agro-forestry and livestock improvement, therefore, below holds activities, that I physically participated and actively in, that is to say; Field making of various demonstration plots, preparation of nursery seed bed and its general management practices, testing of seed germ inability and viability percentage, weeding, gap filling. stacking, Denavelling of coffee and banana plants or gardens, of maize and collection of data on 'WEMA maize varieties grafting, budding, potting, watering, transplanting, applying fertilizers, raising of eucalyptus by means of vegetative propagation and applying of deldrin and aldrin to control eucalyptus termites from the eucalyptus mother garden. In addition to the above, site selection, digging of the pond and its dykes, weighing, formulating feed and feeding of fish, liming; manuring and fertilizering of the pond were also done. Moreover, feeding, watering, cleaning of the pen, Deworming, dehorning, castrating, giving of treatment, spraying animals to control external parasites; weighing, record keeping and establishing of the various pasture and lastly, identifying, diagnosing and treating of infected and diseased livestock at the institute. This training helps me to: Learn more of extension work through sharing ideas and interactions with farmers and amongst my fellow intern students, learn most of the appropriate ways of handling challenges, developing a smooth flow of both practical and theoretical knowledge by building confidence during extension services, and enabling me to understand work ethnics, dynamics of rural life responsibilities and challenges experiences during extension services. Challenges encountered. during my industrial training and its suggested solutions: Few instructors and facilities to give full guidance in the field poor time management, Long working hours which later made many student very tired, Long distances from place of residence to the institute, Language differences amongst some students and attendants in the farm and water shortage therefore, more qualified skilled personnel's must be admitted, clean water points and organized time table should be provided within the different sections of the farms and moreover, institute should provide students with accommodation in order to solve challenge of long distance. Finally, the training was eke beneficial as linked to my future delivery service. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Mr. Okello Horace, Busitema University en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Busitema University en_US
dc.subject Industrial training en_US
dc.subject Agricultural research en_US
dc.subject Livestock improvement en_US
dc.subject Time management en_US
dc.title A report on industrial training carried out at Ngetta zonal agricultural research and development institute (Ngetta ZARDI)-Lira. en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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