This Report is organized in three chapters, that is, chapter one contains the introduction, chapter two presents the literature review and chapter three presents the methodology that was used to achieve all the specific objectives.
The introduction presents what the project is all about and clearly shows the intent of the researcher. It contains sub-sections such as, background of the study, gap in knowledge, statement of the problem, general objective and specific objectives of the study, research questions, justification, scope of the study and structure of the proposal.
The literature review presents concepts that are vital for the design of the machine, such as the engineering properties of rice, and the recommended values for the crop and machines variables, that can ensure efficient harvesting, threshing and winnowing of the paddy.
In chapter three, the methodology presents clear procedures of achieving each specific objective. It describes the conceptual framework that guides the design of machine components. It shows how machine components are designed and constructed. It also describes how characteristics of machine performance were established, as well as how a cost-benefit analysis of the prototype carried out.