Assessment of current medical solid waste management practices within medical facilities:

Show simple item record Agaba, Julius 2023-06-14T08:42:11Z 2023-06-14T08:42:11Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Agaba, J. (2023). Assessment of current medical solid waste management practices within medical facilities: a case of Masindi district.. Busitema University. Unpublished dissertation en_US
dc.description Dissertation en_US
dc.description.abstract The increase in health facilities in Uganda has resulted in an increase in Medical Solid Waste (MSW) which pose a serious threat to the environment and the general public. This study was conducted in Budongo Sub-County. The general objective of the study was to assess current medical solid waste management practices and specific objectives were to find out different types of MSW generated in different health facilities, to find out current practices used to handle medical solid wastes, to find out the challenges associated while handling named types of MSW and to find out practices put in place to ensure effective handling of named types of MSW within existing MSWM hierarchy. A total of 50 questionnaires were administered randomly to different health care workers. Individual interviews were also carried out with different health workers, direct observation at disposal and treatment sites. Data collected was entered, analyzed using Microsoft Excel software and presented by use of pie charts and bar graphs. Medical Solid Wastes generated were put into four categories non-infectious wastes, infectious wastes, highly infectious wastes and sharp objects. Medical solid wastes generated were stored in bins and boxes. Incineration was the common practice used to dispose of the wastes and sorting was also carried out according to color coding. Continued Medical Education (CME) should be carried out to increase knowledge and skills among healthcare workers on proper management of medical solid wastes they generate, need for Ministry of Health to provide clearly labelled storage containers and need to invest in more finances in management of medical solid wastes. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Mr. Kifumba David Nsajju, Busitema University en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Busitema University en_US
dc.subject Solid waste en_US
dc.subject Management practices en_US
dc.subject Medical facilities en_US
dc.subject Solid waste management en_US
dc.subject Healthcare workers en_US
dc.title Assessment of current medical solid waste management practices within medical facilities: en_US
dc.title.alternative a case of Masindi district. en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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