Authentic leadership, stakeholder engagement and sustainability of donor funded water projects :

Show simple item record Alupo, Thereza 2024-04-08T11:00:27Z 2024-04-08T11:00:27Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Alupo, T. (2024). Authentic leadership, stakeholder engagement and sustainability of donor funded water projects : a case of Lamwo district in Uganda. Busitema University. Unpublished dissertation en_US
dc.description Dissertation en_US
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation role of stakeholder engagement on the relationship between authentic leadership and sustainability of donor funded water projects in Lamwo District in Uganda. A cross sectional design was adopted. A population of 103 donor funded water projects with a sample of 82 water projects was selected. The study targeted 164 respondents from the 82 water projects. Simple random sampling technique was used. Usable questionnaires were collected and analyzed representing (81.5%) response rate. The data was tested for reliability and validity. It was analyzed using statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). regression findings revealed that there was significant positive effect of stakeholder engagement, and authentic leadership on sustainability of donor funded water projects. Regression findings revealed that stakeholder engagement and authentic leadership are significant predictors of sustainability of donor funded water projects while authentic leadership was found to be a significant predictor of stakeholder engagement. The findings also showed that Stakeholder Engagement plays a significant mediating effect in the relationship between Authentic Leadership and Project Sustainability. Based on the study results, it is recommended that there is need to improve on the authenticity of leaders of water user committees and at the same time ensure the engagement of water stakeholders in Lamwo district so as to enhance the community members ‘willingness and ability to consistently and adequately save money through strategic tools like community saving schemes for effective water facility maintenance to ensure consistent functioning of the water facility. This ensures frequent updates are provided by the water source committee during every community meeting of the amount of collected, used and the funds still available for water source maintenance which will in-turn encourage the beneficiaries to always physically take part or contribute monies for water source maintenance activities that will ensure consistent functioning of their water facility. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Ass. Professor Ibrahim Musenze; Dr. Namono Rehema; Busitema University en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Busitema University en_US
dc.subject Authentic leadership en_US
dc.subject Stakeholder engagement en_US
dc.subject Water projects en_US
dc.subject Water facility en_US
dc.title Authentic leadership, stakeholder engagement and sustainability of donor funded water projects : en_US
dc.title.alternative a case of Lamwo district in Uganda en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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