Effect of child domestic work on pupils’ academic performance in Molo sub-county, Tororo district.

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dc.contributor.author Onyait, John Martin
dc.date.accessioned 2022-06-08T17:33:05Z
dc.date.available 2022-06-08T17:33:05Z
dc.date.issued 2022-04
dc.identifier.citation Onyait, J. M. (2022). Effect of child domestic work on pupils’ academic performance in Molo sub-county, Tororo district. Busitema University. Unpublished dissertation. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12283/1575
dc.description Dissertation. en_US
dc.description.abstract The general objective of the study was to establish the effect of domestic work on pupil’s academic performance in Molo Sub County, Tororo district. The study was guided by three specific objectives; (i) To find out the various forms of child domestic work and how they affect academic performance among the primary school going children of Molo Sub County. (ii) To find out the major factors for (causes of) child domestic work and how they affect academic performance among the primary school going children in Molo Sub County. (iii) To find out the ways in which child domestic work affects the rate of pupils’ attendance and general academic performance in Molo Sub County. The case study method was used in the study because of its relevancies in contemporary developmental issues like child domestic work. Systematic sampling was used to select the households and schools who were interviewed. The study relied on data gathered from the secondary sources and primary data from the field to do the analysis. The results of the study indicated that child domestic work is considered as a normal practice and indeed healthy to the proper upbringing of the child. Children to work were categorized into two terms and they were as follows working on family firms and with family enterprises are seen as part of the process by which they are trained towards adulthood. The reasons given by the heads of households surveyed for allowing their children to work were as follows: To support family income, as a form of child training, to support child education and to help in household enterprises. The results of the survey show that all children in ages 5- 17years of household surveyed in the study at least do household work. In all there are many children in this age bracket of’ the household surveyed. Most of’ them apart from household chores also work to assist their parents during rainy season. International N.G.Os such as child compassion and FAWE in the study area are sensitizing girls on their rights including their rights to education the activities of some of’ this N.G.Os according to some beneficiaries have impacted positively on their education since they no longer depend on their parents for school fees and uniforms. There are no specific programs bythe district assemblies to fight the child domestic work problem though the officials admit child domestic work exist in Molo sub-county. The study was used to make a number of recommendations including the following; improving the local economy, tackling the broader socio-cultural and economic situation of farmers, increasing access, quality and relevance of education, motivating teachers to give their best, embarking on family planning campaigns, extension of social amenities to the area and making and enforcing laws on child domestic work. With the knowledge of what pertains on the ground about child domestic work will help to improve education if suggestions are factored into plans for the area. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Mr. Wamimbi Sokoi Samuel, Busitema University. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Busitema University. en_US
dc.subject Child domestic work en_US
dc.subject Pupils’ academic performance en_US
dc.subject Primary school en_US
dc.subject Children en_US
dc.subject Pupils’ attendance en_US
dc.title Effect of child domestic work on pupils’ academic performance in Molo sub-county, Tororo district. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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