A cross sectional study was conducted in Arapai, Sub County to assess antibiotics mis-use among cattle keepers, practitioners and drug sellers. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected using structured questionnaires and interview guide, collected data was screened and stored in excel software spread sheet. Simple random sampling technique was used selected farrners, practitioners & drug sellers. 97.3% of the respondents never observed drug withdrawal periods. (98.2%) of the fanners visually estimated the weights of their animals, Expiry dates of antibiotics were Dilly taken note of by 66,4% of the respondents. 37.3%. actually continued with therapy until they see that the animal had recovered fully 50.9%: kept their drugs in polythene bags (hanged on wails). In a nut shell, the study concluded that the major cusses of antibiotic misuse was the absolute lack of strict regulations and a well-functioning regularity body governing the sale and use of veterinary antibiotics. It was there for recommended that MAAIF in conjunction and National drug. authority and the ministry of health and Iocal government come up with the hard to break policies regulations and by laws by-laws respectively and back by strong reinforcement machinery.