Pig production has increasingly become an important activity in Uganda. The sector is largely informal with poorly organized markets, limited access to technology, Information and services. Cross Sectional Survey was conducted in Asuret Sub County to establish the common factors affecting small scale pig production and marketing. A total of 100 households were interviewed using structured questionnaires through random sampling. The challenges affecting common systems of rearing pigs in Asuret sub county were diseases (45%, n=71; 33%, n=18; 45.5%; n=11), feed scarcity and shortage (23.9%, n=71; 5.6% n=18; 18%, n=11%), lack of good quality breeds of pigs (7%, n=71, 16%, n=18), uncontrolled pig movements (l,4%, n=7l; 27.8%, n=1.8) space limitation (4.2%, n=71; 18%, n=11). lack of extension services (16.9%, n=71, 5.6%, n=18; 9%,n=11) and expensive veterinary drugs (1.4%;n=71; 11%,n=1'8; 9%,n=11) Low prices (27%), Lack of market information, especially on output prices for different market outlets and location is indicated by 1.3%: of pig producers, distant buyers 13%, lack of market opportunities 11%, lack of capacity on pig live-weight estimation 21% and examination of pigs for tape worms 15% have been reported to be challenges affecting the marketing of pigs. The study concludes that diseases and parasites, feed scarcity, lack of quality breeds, lack of extension support, and expensive veterinary drugs are challenges to pig production. The challenges in marketing were low prices, lack of capacity on live weight estimation, distant buyers, and examination of pigs for tape worms, and limited market opportunities. Proper disease control measures like vaccination, biosecurity should be properly observed. The government should provide farmers with improved breeds of pigs to address the problem of low quality breeds. Farmers. Should be trained on how to estimate the weights of their pigs during sale. Cooperative markets for pigs should be established in Soroti district and fanners should be availed-with marker information