This study was conducted in Kyabigambire sub-county Hoima district to assess the factors hindering commercialization of indigenous chicken by rural households with peculiar emphasis on identification of the management, social and the economical limiting aspects to commercialization of indigenous chicken. Probability sampling was used to select 100 farmers from 4 parishes then two villages from each parish and 10 households per village. The study found out that the major management factors hindering commercialization of local chicken include lack of appropriate housing (80%), poor bird health management (88%)) inadequate feeding (55.9%) while economic factors include poor transportation means (56%), limited markets for poultry and poultry products (70%), price fluctuations (100%). The major social factors noted were low education levels (45%) and limited land, (61.8%). For commercialization of indigenous chicken to occur, farmers ought to' organize themselves into cooperatives or associations to take advantage of discounts when purchasing feed. Administration of regular disease prevention mechanisms, and appropriate vaccination program would undoubtedly reduce disease outbreaks and the Ugandan Government needs 10 resource the commercialization programme especially in formalizing the market instead or fanners relying on the free market.