The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of sugarcane growing on food and income security in Buzaaya county. Simple random sampling was used in selecting sample farmers where by five sub counties were selected, and two villages from each of the five parishes selected from each sub county were considered for detailed study. From each village one small scale sugarcane farmer was selected randomly and all together 50 farmers were considered in, the study. Data was analyzed at Univariate level (construction of frequencies) using SPSS and Excel.
From the study it was found out that people in Buzaaya county devote of their land to sugarcane growing and only 34% to food crops growing. Using the net return analysis, it was found out that sugarcane growing is profitable though these profits cater for all the requirements for household and also it is a monoculture form of farming that leads to soil degradation.
In conclusion, in order to solve the problem of food insecurity and also put into consideration the issue of land management in the area, the small scale sugarcane out growers should allocate quarter of their land to sugarcane growing, to only get that income to cater for the small needs and the remaining portion of to food crops growing This will lead to production of enough food which will help farmers to earn maximum profits from the sale of food crop products and remain with enough food hence increasing. incomes and. reducing on food insect in Buzaaya County, Kamuli district.
Keywords: Optimal allocation of resources, Sugarcane growing, Food crops, Food insecurity and Income security.