This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of carica papya and Azadirachta indica seed powder on the management of some of the common gastro intestinal nematodes in indigenous poultry birds. 20 birds of about 6-9 months. Showing signs and symptoms of worm infection were selected for this study. The birds had been vaccinated against Newcastle disease infectious bronchitis and Gumboro. The study was conducted for one month that is from June to July 2019. During this time, birds according to their experimental group i.e. A, B. and C were housed in separate rooms. Birds in group A were fed on feeds mixed with carica papaya seed. powder those in group B were fed on feeds mixed with neem tree seed powder while those in group C acted as a control, counting of worm eggs in chicken fecal matter shall be done to determine the level of infection at the different periods during the experimental study. Initially before introducing the feed mixed with carica papaya and neem. tree powder, the number of worm eggs shall he determined microscopically with the help of a mac slide. After a period of about 2-4 weeks a final worm egg count shall be conducted to determine whether there is a reduction in number of eggs in the chicken fecal matter after the two treatments have been carried out.