Livestock sub-sector plays a major role in lives of people. It also contributes to 17-19% of the agricultural GDP worldwide. Despite the contribution of the dairy sector. Repeat breeding (RB) and delayed conception has become the major source of economic loss among dairy farmers in Uganda. particularly farmers in Kaato sub county. The indicators have been shown that extra breeding costs, extra- feeding costs, increased calving interval, increased treatment costs and increased culling rates occur as a result of repeat breeding. The cause of repeat breeding and delayed conception has not been empirically established. The aim of this study was to establish factors contributing to repeat breeding and delayed conception among dairy cows in Kaato sub county Manafwa district. A sample of 100 farmers Was selected using purposive sampling procedure and Data analysis was done using (SPSS). The factors that were significantly explain the cause of repeat breeding were mostly management factors with natural mating ranked the highest (p= 0.000), handling during and .after parturition (p= 0.000),nutrition (p=O.OOO) and housing (p=0.000).These findings will be more useful to stake holders of dairy sub sector to formulate policies that will improve production and reproductive rates among dairy animal hence minimizes losses incurred as a result of repeat breeding and delayed conception. The study concluded that management practices have more impact on repeat breeding than environment factors.