This report contains and describes the activities implemented, skills gained and relevance to the student, challenges faced during the industrial training; conclusion of the report and recommendations derived from the challenges faced during the training-at lobule sub county Koboko district local government. The objective of this industrial training is to let students gain skills, knowledge and experience from the fields by applying the knowledge they get from the classroom in the field, building confidence in the students. During internship I was attached to the department of production of Lobule. sub county by the District Production Officer, he then introduced me to the Assistant Agriculture Officer of lobule S/C and later I implemented the activities such as; field visits to famers and famer groups on field preparations, pest and disease surveillances, food store management, agronomic practices of LICODEP projects field verifications, farmer group trainings on commercial agriculture and agronomic practices, project monitoring and evaluation of DRC and NURI/PICOT projects. and also, maize and tomatoes- field preparation. During the 10 weeks of the intern training, I was able gain the skills and experience of Field visits and evaluation to farmers and farmer groups, Project monitoring and evaluation of DRDIP, NURI/PICOT and DRC, monitoring and evaluation report writing, district investment plan formulation. However, I faced some challenges e. g. poor community access roads to reach remote farmers, draught condition with too much sunshine, chicken pox and public holidays that came across the activities. So there for the road’s links should be reshaped and I was able to advise farmers to plant more trees to fight draught condition.