The objective of this study was to examine the impact of the determinants of maize prices farmers in Mukono district. The specific objectives were; to analyze the factors influencing demand and supply of maize in Mukono district and analyzing the performance of maize markets in Mukono district. The study employed a cross sectional survey design of Mukono district County by use of quantitative research approach with the help of questionnaire method of data collection. The sampling technique was simple random sampling technique. The study finding showed that changes in the market prices of maize was a major factor influencing demand and supply of maize and that maize markets are performing because the demand for maize increases in Mukono especially due to many schools and companies available. The study concluded that there is unit price has a significant effect on demand and supply of maize in the maize markets. The study recommended that they should invest on infrastructural projects that are key in supporting the maize business in Nakisunga sub-County, should reduce the input costs for maize farming, stabilize the maize prices especially from the farm level and should provide support services to farms to Increase productivity.