This report contains and describes the activities implemented, skills and qualifications gamed, challenges faced during the industrial training, conclusion of the report and recommendations derived from the challenges faced at Abim sub county. The objective of this industrial training is to make students benefit from the skills and knowledge gained from the fields, apply the knowledge and skills got from the classroom in the field and build confidence in the student. During my industrial training I was attached to production department and we managed to do the following activities under the supervision of animal husbandry officer. Orientation, meat inspection, holding stake holder meeting with world vision Uganda, training community on good agronomic practices and enterprise selection, inspection of VDMC apiary farms in the sub county, vaccination of poultry against castle disease and infectious bronchitis, training community on water and soil conservation, establishing demonstration gardens, and training community piggery management some of experience gained are understanding the basics in Agriculture for Production, Productivity and Mitigation for Sustainable Agriculture, Management skills, Reporting skills and Accountability, communication skills and confidence in training farmers on animal and crop management, know good quality meat that is fit for human consumption, the right age of animals for slaughter, common pest of bees and challenges faced are; poor mobilizations, inadequate funding, transport, high level of illiteracy, poor time management by responsible officers.