This report contains and describes the activities implemented, skills and knowledge gained, challenges faced during the industrial training, conclusion and recommendations derived from the challenges faced at Bugiri District Local Government. The objective of this industrial training was to make me benefit from the skills and knowledge gained from the fields, apply the knowledge I got from the classroom in the field and gain confidence. During internship I was attached to the department of animal production, Bugiri District Local Government. The department provided practical skills, field practice and experience to enhance the theoretical knowledge that is learnt in class. For example; Deworming of goats and cattle, Castration, general management of animals, communication skills and confidence in training farmers about animal management. During internship, I also faced some challenges like; poor mobilization of the farmers, limited transport means in the production department and poor turn up of the fanners for the trainings. In conclusion all the activities were implemented and industrial training was carried out successfully. I was in position of getting practical skills and knowledge in line with my career and relating with people in the field. The technical advice that I provided addressed farmers' problem and needs. Much as all were successfully done, there were also some little challenges which hindered the smooth running of the activities making me recommend that proper mobilization of farmers must improve for the training programs to solve problems of poor turn up during such activities, government should also increase the number of motorcycles to solve transport problem.