Abstract— Rills on roads are active features which gully up bigger
parts of the roads causing road-size reduction, flooding among others.
Such roads are top-listed for accumulation of wealth for most
developing countries. A model is constructed to determine the
formation and effects of gravel road rills using various sediment
modeling facts like shear stress, discharge rates, and other road-design
related facts. It was also comparable to those of Exner and Nearing
with regard to erosion and deposition characteristics.
Various experiments like sieve-analysis, measurement of
drainage-rill sizes, hydrometer analysis, were considered for model
formulation and evaluation. A numerical example using
cross-sectional field and laboratory data was finally used to test it. Key
findings of this paper included a rill model that estimates the specific
area affected by rilling, the high flow velocities and discharge on road
drainage surfaces. The information extracted from this paper shall help
road construction and maintenance designs.