This industrial training was carried out in Kumi hospital farm (Ongino) in a period of eight weeks, staring form 28th February 2022 to 22nd April 2022.
The major objective was to fulfil the requirement needed for the award of a bachelor in animal production and management in Busitema University. It's always carried out by students in order to put theoretical aspect got in class into practice with the aim of acquiring skills for farm management.
During the course of the industrial training, I participated in several activities that included milking, feeding animals with silage, dipping animals for tick control, bucket feeding using powdered milk to boost their immunity, culling of sick animals to control the spread of the disease to the healthy stock, cleaning of the milking parlour by scrubbing, vaccination of animals against CBPP, general cleaning of the farm stead by collection of all polythene bags and burning them, ear tagging using an ear tag applicator to ease identification of animals, treatment of cattle to control diseases like calf sours, mastitis, CBPP, east coast fever.
Castration (Closed castration) using abandizzor, pasture management (planting, weeding)
However, a few challenges were met like; there was a serious a problem of CBPP and mastitis. The challenge was managed by general vaccination of all animals that were not yet affected for CBPP and treatment with sulphur drugs (baclean) for animals affected mastitis.
There was also a serious problem of ticks that was managed by regular dipping of animals twice weekly.
I therefore conclude that the Training ended successful.