In Uganda, the past 10 years have been characterized by introduction of new agricultural interventions, some of which have targeted increasing the adoption of agricultural technologies as means of changing the structure of agricultural production -in the country .and ultimately farmer incomes (Kasirye, 2010). However, a fanner is a rational decision maker who normally strives for a better standard of living and seeks ways of adopting new technologies to accomplish this- goal.
Technology can be adopted when it is transferred from the technology generators' such as research laboratories and universities to clients such as farmers (Chi & Yamada, 2002), However, the adoption depends on the farmers' decision whether or not to adopt the innovation.
Swine concentrate feeding has been one. of the feeding technology used to improve growth rate hence increasing productivity. Many countries worldwide have been and are using concentrate for feeding the pigs. Africa and Uganda are inclusive in using concentrate for feeding pigs either as a supplementary diet or as a whole feeding resource for the pigs.
A variety of feed stuffs exist to pig producers, ranging from commercial concentrates, agro -industrial by products and home-grown feeds, despite all these farmers are still -inv05ves-in keeping pigs on. free range system where, pigs- scavenging for food around the homestead, village or garbage collection centers, Kitchen wastes and forages make up the bulk of the feed. These feed resources are low in quality to maintain high level of pig growth and reproductive Performance. (Maass, Kabirizi, & Zziwa, 2014).