Livestock station is a government farm. with three main enterprises i.e; dairy, poultry, and piggery. It is aimed at producing high quality and quantity milk, beef, pork, eggs, and chicken for the community. The activities carried out during the training include; Hatchery management and Fodder Bank Management, Brooding, calf, Routine management of stock, Milk recording, feed mixing, Disease diagnosis, and treatment in cattle, poultry and piggery. Animal Identification, Semen collection and processing, and record -keeping. Therefore I. was able to acquire skills such as disease diagnosis and treatment of sick routs of administration of drugs, collection blood samples, sorting and setting eggs for hatching, pour on method of tick control, bucket feeding, control of poultry vices, ear tagging, milking, candling. However, some challenges were associated with luck of enough equipment ear tagging -applicator, hoes, rakes to facilitate routine activities, rainy weather, hunger since we couldn’t work for long hours in an empty stomach and this could force students to dispose themselves early therefore missing other activities and long-distance movement thus reaching the farm late and tired. I would there recommend for accommodation and food sh0Ltld be provided for internship students within the farm, more ear tagging, applicators, hoes and rakes should be added so as to save time. Even with the above challenges I was able to acquire practical skills and also able to relate the theoretical knowledge acquired from school and putting it into practice in the farm. The internship was so good that learnt more skills and good relationship with many farmers, and the staff at LES and the community at large. ADI humbled and not ashamed to say that am so grateful. for the organization for having given us certificates at the end of our training. Ln conclusion, NAGRIC and DB will be the best place for internship -if the above challenges are put into considerations.