I carried out my industrial training at Njeru stock farm found along Kampala jinja- highway 5km- off Nyenga road, Kiryowa village Njeru south, in Njeru municipality Buikwe district. The farm has three enterprises i.e., piggery diary and goats
I did a number of activities like deworming, spraying, dipping, treatment and disease diagnosis, e.g., anaplasmosis, ECF, budding, calf feeding, milking, cleaning of the units, animal, identification, pregnancy diagnosis, pasture management and improvement, castration, Ai, identification of animal breeds and fencing.
During the field work study, I have been able to acquire skills in castration: deworming, disease diagnosis, budding, milking, spraying and dipping.
Although IT was more of the learning experience because my major objectives of the study were achieved some of the challenges encountered are shortage of water, lack of enough tools for cleaning but thank God who helped me through and it ended successfully.
I recommend that more water reservoirs and more water saving tanks should be put in place, and the farm should provide more and enough tools for cleaning and more enterprises should be set up on the farm like poultry, fish farming for a wide study during industrial training.
I therefore encourage that more strength, and time should be invested in industrial training because is a plat form for learning practical than class work.