Industrial training is the activities carried out at the end of each academic year aimed at exposing students to practical aspects of what had been covered theoretically during the year, it aims at perfecting the student's practical skills.
This training was carried in Mbale district local government department of production in the veterinary sub sector, the staff, political heads and farmers of the local’s government were all involved.
The student was technically supervised by the veterinary officer of the local government where we visited several farms.
The major goal, vision and mission of Mbale district local and veterinary sector.
Vision: A prosperous and harmonious people of Mbale district with transparent leadership.
Mission: To serve communities through co-ordinate delivery of services with focus on National to priorities and significant local needs in order to promote sustainable development of Mbale.
The following activities were carried out as summarized, meat inspection, record keeping
Ambulatory services, animal management, Drug identification and management among others
During the internship we gained skills in above activities for example handling and utilization of laboratory, advisory services and extension, veterinary public health, Ambulatory services among others, and the above skills have been explained in chapter three of this report
The industrial training should continue in colleges and universities. The organizations / districts where students are carrying out industrial training from should continue to offer free transport to students respectively.