This report contains the introduction of industrial training; the back ground of the organization of the town council, it also describes the activities implemented, skills and qualifications gained, challenges faced during it, conclusion of the report and recommendation derived from challenges faced at Bushigayi town council Bududa district local government.
The objectives of this industrial training are to make student benefit from skills and knowledge gained from fields, apply knowledge they get from classroom into the field and build confidence in student.
During internship, I was attached to the department of production and marketing. This was followed by orientation where i was firs! introduced to the staff at the station and later carried out activities such as coffee production within Bushigayi town council, agronomic practices carried out in coffee e.g., land preparation of holes, maintenance etc soil and fertility
Conservation, objectives of soil and fertility conservation, methods done to conserve soil, soil sampling for testing, agronomic practices in banana, management of BBW, management of weevils, categorizing plant diseases e.g., viral, fungal and bacteria, post-harvest handling or management.
However, I also faced challenges like lack of enough equipment at the town council, limited access to internet and computers to carry out more research and harsh climatic conditions like rain that delayed movement during my internship.
In conclusion, all activities were carried out successful and theoretical knowledge I grasped from BUAC helped a lot that I relate it to practical when i was in the field, I learnt very important skills as well as experience during the training. However, I recommend that the extension workers should carry out continuous monitoring and support visits to farmers because some of them lack knowledge to maintain their enterprises, because of this they reap less from enterprises thus abandoning them.