Internship is an important component of Agricultural production in East and entire country that provides majority students the access to practice what they learnt during theory in their lecture. The training commenced on 16th/May/2016 to 22rd/July/2016.1t was essential in improving the learning culture of students of higher learning institutes.
Several studies were taken by intern students under the guidance of Mr. Mutume Tito to establish suitable environment for learners under the following sections; Animal section which involved cattle, goats, rabbits, pigs, fish and bees. And crop section involved carrots, egg plants, water mellon, tomatoes and cereals like maize. Many activities were undertaken in both sections like daily management of animal section, e.g. feeding, watering, disease diagnosis Disease identification in crops, although such initiatives are there in place, strong and dynamic strategy for will sustain learner' careers.
Meat inspection also at Soroti abductor where I was able to participate in inspecting the animals before slaughter for the case of FMD, CBPP and liver flukes but the most common case was liverflukes. The animals inspected were cattle and small ruminant e.g. goats and sheep,
During inspection, the liver infected were timed and passed because the condition was not act. The total numbers of animals slaughtered were cattle 15 and goats and sheep 51.
Workshop skills as one of the ways to prepare students to how to organize and prepare work plans of seminars, delegate meetings and dialogue meetings with stake holders in order to propel the work and to bring success to the farm, firm factory, an industry and organization.