This farm and community practice is an important aspect of training at Busitema University where every trainee is expected to undergo training in a recognized and approved Institution/organization. The objective is to enable students relate the theory studies in class to the work situation and at the same time deliver new knowledge and skills to famers as they also learn from the farmers. This study has been conducted from 28/02/2022 to 28/04/2022 at Soroti city in the following areas; different cells of Majengo, Madera, Opiai A, Campswahili, within the office of Western constituency and in the city abattoir and Arapai market. The study was interactive involving different parties including the office workers, field and production officer, city agriculture officer, veterinary officers, internship students, traders and farmers. During the practice, different activities were carried in the office, field and abattoir with the aim of impacting knowledge and skills on the trainees (internship students), farmers and traders. Within the office, activities carried include Data entry in to computer excel sheet, receiving Clients, seed germination test. While in the field activities carried include poultry vaccination, citrus management, meat inspection, data collection. The training proved that the theory thought in class is similar to practical done in the field and it revealed that production and management in any farm require close attention for profitability to be achieved It is therefore important for the students and farmers to be availed with the right knowledge to increase production.