BSA 2209 Farm and Community Outreach is a course that introduces student to community practices and community training. It exposes the student to the community in which the student learns from it and the community learns from the student. This course is with the objectives of explaining how the community approach for development works, enable the student learn how the community operates on development issues, investigate community problems and suggest possible solutions, provide technical advice to community farms and farmers and learn certain agricultural skills I from the community. This report indicates the information about the organization i.e. Soroti City the background, mission, vision and demographics of Soroti city. Activities that were carried out during the community outreach at Soroti city of which include activities in abattoir meat inspection which included arte-mortem and post-mortem, office practice where I did data entry, germination test and activities in field which were data collection on agro inputs and many others activities as indicated in the report This program had a great Impact on me as I was able to relate class room knowledge to the real field experience which improved on the development of my career. The farm and outreach program was done successfully though there were some challenges but managed to overcome and basing on this experiences gained I recommend the city council to make clear program for internees to follow as most times there be no clear program for activities, conduct proper mobilization of the to avoid poor turn up for city programs organized by officers.