In respect to the department of Agriculture at Busitema University Arapai campus it is pre-requisite to undertake industrial training for partial fulfillment for award of Diploma in crop production and management. Industrial training is a module carried outside the classroom. It exposes students on practical skills which involves visiting different agricultural stations.
The industrial training was carried out at Buginyanya zonal agricultural research and development institute (BUGIZARDI), located in Bulambuli district, Masira s/county, Dunga parish.
The IT involves taking us. Through different activities under different enterprises/ crops like coffee production, apple production, banana production, potatoes, tractor operation and its engine parts, Agro-forestry, soil fertility, climatology, and wheat production supervised under respective field supervisors.
The objective of this study Was to enhance theoretical skills and knowledge learnt in class with hands on practical Skills and applied knowledge. It was scheduled for a period of 10 weeks.