Industrial training is a post-university technical training which involves the exposure of students to field activities to acquire working experiences and share the knowledge obtained in the lecture room with the community.
The objective was to acquire experience in farm practices by undertaking principles of farm and community practice and to correlate knowledge obtained in the, lecture rooms with that in the field.
This report consists of the activities carried out during I.T and these include; Deworming, castration, treatment of various diseases like E.C.F, anaplasmosis, mushroom production, and others like age determination in animals, pasture. management and improvement, vaccination and disease diagnosis spraying of citrus; planting of banana, field marking, feeding etc. which were carried out at the farm premises.
It also consists of the introduction which shows the historical back ground of the farm, organization chart of programs under taken at the farm, objectives, and mission, vision and animal populations.
It also contains the impacts of the attachment, responsibilities, correlation of the attachment, challenges faced during I.TT conclusions and recommendations. It also has the work plan and the I. T photos.