Industrial Training commenced on the 28th Feb 2022 which started with orientation to acquaint us to the different sectors under production and marketing department and ended on the 6th/05/2022.
Chapter one covers the background of Industrial training program, objectives of industrial training and Alebtong District Local Government's profile including its background, mission, vision, organizational structure with and major activities.
Chapter two shows the work done during my Industrial framing which includes; meat inspection, pet vaccination against rabies, mass vaccination of cattle against black quarter, training farmers on good animal husbandry practices, vaccination of poultry against Newcastle
Chapter three describes the experiences and lessons learnt from Industrial training at the production department of Alebtong which involves new concepts, knowledge and skills like meat inspection, diagnosis and treatment of different diseases among others. It also covers challenges faced such as poor transport facility, lack of slaughter slabs and diagnostic laboratory, poor remuneration to mention but a few. This chapter lastly entails the benefits from the industrial training.
Chapter four contains conclusions based on my observations, major strength and weakness of the field attachment program and recommendations.
Appendices which contain figures, maps and photos which could not be accommodated in the body of the report.
References that show citation from books and journals that helped me compile this report.