This report consists of all the activities carried out from Monday 20th/05/2019 and ended on Friday 19th/07/2019 during the course of the internship. The internship was carried out for ten weeks at MUARIK was to accomplish the requirements that were needed for the award of a diploma in crop production and management at Busitema University which was aimed at transforming the theoretical knowledge learnt in class into practical.
This report contains four chapters and it clearly describes the details of activities both practical and lectures that we performed at MUARIK.
Chapter one describes MUARIK the historical back ground, vision, and mission and purpose, objectives of the training, the location and the organization structure of MUARIK.
Chapter two describes the set of activities f got involved in at MUARIK i.e., Dairy were we did milking, horticulture we did sterilization, grafting and budding. Banana where we learnt its propagation, factors its growth. Coffee where we learnt its types, its requirements, Venni-culture where we studied rearing of earthworms, their uses, breeds and their consumption Aquaculture where we saw the types of fish, factors for rearing them, Pasture and grassland management, maize among others.
Chapter three summarizes the impacts of the attachment i.e., skills gained like milking, pruning of coffee and banana. Responsibilities undertaken influence of the attachment to my future career plans correlation of attachment activities with classroom knowledge and the various challenges during the period of any attachment.
Chapter four contains the recommendations like time keeping of supervisors and conclusion.
The report concludes with the appendix containing workplan of the attachment period my photographs and the references for future review of the discussion sections.