This report is on school field placement training curried out in National Anima) Genetic
Resource Centre and Data. Bank (NAGRC & DB) Under the ministry of Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) at Kasolwe Stock Farm located in Kamuli District, Bugabula north county, Balawoli Subcounty, Kasolwe parish, Bugabula (B) village.
While at the farm I aimed. at putting theoretical work into practice as I participated in several activities Such as Treating Cattle and Goats, Artificial Insemination (AI), pregnancy, Diagnosis (PD), Dehorning, Castration, Milking, Deworming, Fencing, Disease diagnosis, Hove treaming, bottle feeding for calves and kids, cleaning calves pens, and goats’ units. Pasture management, Branding, dipping and spraying, cleaning milking utensils, and census of animals.
Activities such as Pasture management, cleaning milking utensils, milking were carried out daily.
I Also experienced the farm have several challenges such as lack of enough drug, tack of enough workers, Depilated housing, lack of transport and few paddocks etc.
Individually I encountered some problems like lack of field practice equipment like hand glove