This Industrial training was held at Okoro Coffee Growers Co-operative Union Ltd [OCGCU] Ayuda village, Abanga sub-country, Zombo district for a period of two months and two weeks. The main objectives was to extend classroom knowledge to the societies of Okoro coffee growers co-operative union ltd as well as enriching students with practical skills.
The report comprises of the cover page, preliminary pages and have got four chapters in total.
Chapter One: Comprises of the Introduction, Objectives of field attachment, Background of the cooperative, Location, Purpose for the formation of OCGCUL, Methods of farming, Processing, Departments, Number of employees, Field of business, Structure of OCGCUL.
Chapter Two: Has the Description of attachment and activities carried out explaining the whole process in the conduct of activities one section after the other.
Chapter Three: Has the Impact of attachments it includes the work climate, mentoring condition, Skills and qualification gained, Challenges faced, Responsibility conducted during the training, Influence of the attachment on future carrier plans and Correlation of the attachment activities with class room knowledge.
Chapter Four: Includes the Recommendation and Conclusions of the report.