Industrial training is one of the course modules carried out by student at the end of first year. It is mandated to train and empower students with skills in various sections under the Faculty of Agriculture and Animals Sciences in programs/sections that's animal and crop production. Being a Center of academic and professional excellence in science, technology and innovation all courses offered under this faculty, students are exposed to practical aspects in the field in form of farm practice, community outreach, internship and research fat all Industrial training is a practical module carried by students at Busitema university Arapai campus. This industrial training is allocated its own period and it started from 21/05/2018 to 27/7/2018 and in total, the practice is conducted within ten weeks.
Generally, the industrial training is designed to give students hands on experience in agricultural production where students acquire skills and knowledge on various Agriculture activities by converting the theoretical knowledge from class into practical This industrial training was carried out by certificate, diploma and bachelor students.
Industrial training have various sections which students are supposed to handle and these include the following; Horticulture, Piggery, Poultry, Cattle, small ruminant, green house. The following are some of the activities that we did in the crop department; pest and disease control, soil sterilization, pruning of tomatoes and citrus, and the in the department of animal the following activities were carried out; control of external paracides; feed formulation, cleaning of pig sties and goats’ pens„ feeding and watering of pigs and poultry ageing of animals among others.