This industrial training was done by Ms. Agero Sarah Reg no BU/UP/2015/923 a student pursuing a diploma in crop production and management at Busitema University Arapai campus and did my training from Serere district under NaSARRI
Industrial training is usually done to make the student apply the skills taught in class related to his/her course and gain experience in field work and conditions as well as challenges available and how to manage them
During the collection of data obtained in this report in Grain legumes program and cassava at NaSARRI, I was able to interact with field assistants, gain guidance from my supervisor during his demonstration therefore actively participating in the activities myself
The data collected from this report is mainly from Grain legumes and cassava e.g. agronomy, pathology, entomology and breeding and I was able to participate in the following activities; field marking, planting of Grain legumes at recommended spacing, pest scouting, Innoculation of green grams so as to know which variety has high percentage of fixing nitrogen to the soil, taking measurements of Grain legumes on pod weight, length and number of seeds per pod, tagging of crossed plants, stand count [determination of plant population], scoring scab disease severity and incidence on cowpeas, data collection on the plant height, number of branches and pendacles, mulching, thinning and harvesting of gr legumes. However, there were some challenges I met and they include; drought and long distance
I therefore recommend that the following should be done; the research does water harvesting and in dry months, they can use in the dry season to irrigate the crops, provide nearby accommodation to the students.
The main purpose of these training is to ascertain the student with relevance of class room theoretical knowledge in the field and practice it fully before being exposed out to serve the community.