This report presents the activities carried out during the internship in GDLG under the district veterinary section. The report consists of four chapters the appendices and references.
CHAPTER ONE: This chapter consists of the introduction; historical background of Gulu district, climate; geology; weather and vegetation resources of GDLG. It also contains brief description of Gulu veterinary section.
CHAPTER TWO: This chapter presents all the activities carried out during my industrial training like animal treatment, ear tagging, pregnancy diagnosis, laboratory test, post mortem, aging, weighing etcetra.
CHAPTER THREE: The chapter contains the impacts of attachment like the skills and qualifications, the influence of the training io my future career, correlation with classroom knowledge and the challenges faced.
CHAPTER FOUR: This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations.
APPENDICES: This section contains the map of Gulu district, post mortem results, work plan, photos during field work, vaccination and meat inspection schedules.
REFERENCES: This part majorly shows the different books and journals, web pages which my report is referred to.