This reflects my industrial training in National Semi-Arid Resource Research Institute
(NaSARRI) in Serere district 27km South of Soroti city starting on 28th February to 22nd April 2022. Chapter one describes the introductory pan to my industrial framing, objectives of the internship, duration of the grams, background of NaSARRI, the research programs,
Organizational Structure of NaSARRI. Chapter two contains the description of the activities that I carried out during my industrial training under different Research Programs I.e. Dryland cereals, dryland legumes, farm management, Cotton and Oil crops programs. The activities include breeding (emasculation, crossing, selfing, germplasm,), identification of pests and
diseases, experimental design (field marking), Data collection in a Cotton field, agronomic practices, Post-harvest handling and thinning of sorghum. chapter three describes the impacts of the attachment to the students in terms of knowledge and skills gained during industrial training it also highlights some challenges I faced and responsibilities undertake, correlation of the attachment with class work and the influence of the attachment. Chapter four describes the conclusion, the recommendations and the appendices.