This report contains and describe the activities implemented, skills and qualifications gained, challenges faced during industrial training, conclusions and recommendations derived from the challenges faced at Light Force International. The main objectives are to sustain livelihood and thus LFI opened up an agricultural school to equip the youth of the rural area to be effective in farming. During industrial Training I was attached to various sections such as Poultry, Cattle and goats, Piggery and Horticulture. While at the various units, I gained skills and knowledge such as hand milking, preparation of a nursery bed and management of seedlings, how to operate various machines such as a milling machine and a threshing machine as well as general management of livestock, During Internship I faced challenges such as difficulties in operating some machines in the farm, poor transport due to bad roads in Omito village and long distance to the piggery units which was far from the main farm. In conclusion all the activities were implemented and industrial training was successfully carried out able attain a lot of skills but face challenges which made me to recommend that in order for IT to run smoothly, the University should establish a good relationship with some of the organization to which students are attached such as LFI, the government should improve on infrastructures such as roads to ease movement of products to the market, rural electrification for adequate power supply in the farm to ease operation of the machines in the farm.