This IT was carried out at KSDF which was founded by Kasajja Byakika- The farm is located 2km from Nakaloke town, North West of Mbale on the road to Kabwangasi. During the training, I managed to reach different sections of crop and animal on the farm which included; diary production, goat’s management, calf management, pasture management, where I got involved m the following activities milking, feed mixing, castration, dipping, deworming, hay making, silage making, dehorning, disease identification, weeding and general cleaning.
Though a lot was achieved, I encountered some challenges like travelling long distances to and from the farm, inadequate cases to be used for study purposes, some activities were neglected for example ear tagging, inadequate practical equipment's to be used during the practical session, bureaucracy at the farm which unveils capital to purchase practical quipments. Amidst all the above challenges, I gained a lot of skills for example identification of animals in their specific groups and breeds, skills in important management practice like dehorning, pasture establishment and preservation like making hay, identification and treatment of common diseases in animals. Examination of animal health when I was exposed to the sick calves that were affected with pink eye disease.
In conclusion, amidst all the challenges I faced at KDSF, the training went on successfully since I gained skills in animal husbandry practices. However, to improve on the learning environment for students, the farm should put the following in place; providing shelter for the animals to save them from bad weather conditions like heavy rains, construct isolation units to separate sick animals from healthy ones, increase on the labor force to increase on the efficiently of work at the farm, improve on the security on the farm, plant more pastures to provide feeds especially during the times of scarcity, get a permanent veterinary doctor to provide the necessary treatment for animals, renovate some old structures like the cattle crush.